Category: Darwin

Basketball season starts in earnest – with two wins! – DBA Basketball Essington Cannons 0

Basketball season starts in earnest – with two wins! – DBA Basketball Essington Cannons

After a soul searching set of matches during the practise season where the boys and girls under 16 teams were not really getting a chance to develop their plays or teamwork, it was decided...

Essington basketball games week of 9 Feb 2015 – DBA Basketball Essington Cannons 0

Essington basketball games week of 9 Feb 2015 – DBA Basketball Essington Cannons

Power blackouts and some tough games proved we have a way to go. Injurie to Yani, Joe and Jacana along with a trip that saw two players heading in one direction – but not...

DBA Basketball Essington Cannons – Under 16 boys and girls basketball game 0

DBA Basketball Essington Cannons – Under 16 boys and girls basketball game

The boys and girls played their first U16 matches for 2015. It was the first hit out for both teams and although they didn’t win they did acquit themselves well. Here are the match...

Essington Cannons – first games of the 2015 DBA Basketball Season 0

Essington Cannons – first games of the 2015 DBA Basketball Season

First game for the Div 1 U18 boys Essington vs Eagles. Great start for 2015 and the boys acquitted themselves well. Here are the full videos for the match held Monday night 7pm...

The Yes and No – collaboration and negotiation 0

The Yes and No – collaboration and negotiation

“Start with No and negotiate” or “Yes and let’s collaborate” are two approaches to reaching an outcome… Apologies for the cross-posting from my eLearning blog, but I think it might resonate with some of...

Bathrooms in budget hotels 0

Bathrooms in budget hotels

We have stayed in more than our fair share of budget hotels and I can tell you that Joe has learnt to adapt. Helen and Joe have never stayed in a hotel or house...

Temple Run – 2014 – Teenager Edition (The prequel) 0

Temple Run – 2014 – Teenager Edition (The prequel)

Welcome to Temple Run 2014 – Teenager Edition. A three week journey through 4 countries. So this year we are travelling to a number of locations to visit significant temples. Borobodur a Buddhist temple,...

Basketball – preparing our kids for their future (whatever that might be) 0

Basketball – preparing our kids for their future (whatever that might be)

I actually wrote this before our teams had won a game… and wanted to share some words of wisdom passed to me by the father of the most valuable player from the best team...

Day 6 – V Day for Essington Cannons 0

Day 6 – V Day for Essington Cannons

I am writing this on Day 7 Friday after a great day yesterday for the Essington Cannons… The boy’s next game is in an hour so I need to be quick… From Day 6 –...

Essington Basketball Trip – Day 4 and 5 0

Essington Basketball Trip – Day 4 and 5

Day 4 – Tuesday Firstly – apologies for the delay – internet in our accommodation has been off for the last few days. I am sending this from the girls hotel. You will already...