A couple of multimedia stories created with Adobe Slate and Adobe Voice (Windows Version)

Last night and today I created a couple of quick stories using content from my lightroom albums. One story is about growing chillies and creating sauce (who would have thought) – this was done using Slate.
The other is about a trip we took to Captain Cook’s Cottage in Melbourne a few years ago. The photographs from that lovely day out have been languishing like many others in an album without a story to provide context to the images. This was created using Adobe Voice .
Until recently these apps were only available on mobile devices but now they are available on Windows PCs as well – free of charge.
There is no application to install and it is quick to learn and use.
Check out what I created…
For the Captain Cook video, in the playback bar click on the fullscreen icon to make the video fullscreen and then press escape to get back to the blog entry.
For the Chilli presentation, just use your mouse wheel to scroll down through the presentation, there are embedded videos from YouTube in the page, but the rest is silent…
You can of course create your own… to get to the windows version which is still in beta, search for “Adobe Project M” in your favourite search engine.